Monday, October 20, 2014

The Quest for a Bathroom

I'll just get right started.

I was checking out of a hotel with my family. We were just getting into the car when I realized I needed to go to the bathroom. Being in a different city, we had no idea where anything was, so we split up to look for a bathroom. I followed Bob (my extremely annoying stepdad) into another building which had a weird Asian restaurant on the top floor. There was a lady at the reception desk who looked like she could be a ninja. Bob asked if there was a bathroom here. The ninja lady told him to go away. As Bob left, I gave her a thumbs up and a wink.
When I came downstairs, Bob was talking to a group of African American tweens about politics (or something) and I got really mad at him and yelled, "I'M OVER HERE TRYING TO FIND A FRICKING BATHROOM AND YOU'RE TALKING POLITICS! STFU (Stop Tickling Furry Unicorns) AND FIND ME A BATHROOM!" Then I walked away and accidentally went through a portal that brought me back in time.
It was nighttime (for the very first time in my dream, it's always daytime in my dreams, I don't know why exactly) and I was in a huge city. There was a restaurant (the same on I saw on the building) with red lights and steam coming out from the kitchen. I went in and asked if I could go to the bathroom, they said there was one right in front of the kitchen entrance. The bathroom turned out to be some sort of weird birdhouse that was being tediously held up by four long bamboo posts. There was a ladder leading up to the tiny entrance. I climbed up the ladder and sat down (you can tell I really wanted to go XD) but before I could do anything these little people started shaking the birdhouse bathroom and yelled at me to get out. I jumped off, not wanting to make too much trouble, and ran to an intersection where I was teleported back to the present.
I was sitting in a pavilion with the same group of kids that Bob was talking politics to. There was one girl, who I immediately befriended, and my mom was there, too. They were apparently having a really deep discussion about who they wanted to spend their life with, but it appears that the little people followed me through the portal, and they've multiplied! I took the lead and ran over to a building with huge windows.

~cut as I wake up and go to the bathroom~

After falling asleep. I was back in the same building, having a battle with the little people (who didn't seem so little anymore). We started out by staring at each other, making threats with our eyes and faces. I was the first in command. I wore a vest with streaks of silver and yellow. The less yellow on your uniform, the higher your rank. Everyone on the yellow team had a band of yellow on the bottom of their uniforms. I had two bands of silver going down the front and back of my uniform, another streak on my sides, and one more near the bottom, just above the yellow band, going around my waist.
It was only after the little people attacked that I realized I didn't have any weapons, and neither did anyone on my team. I quickly picked up a pencil that just happened to be lying on the ground (because, you know, logic XD) and stabbed the black bulls they sent at us. Then I handed my pencil to the girl (who was second in command) and went to find Honedge.
As I walked into my room, a girl wearing a blue-and-white uniform almost ran me over with her cart.
Looking around, I suddenly remembered that I had put Honedge in my art studio to dry (because I made a cardboard Honedge and I was painting it yesterday). I ran out of my room and almost got run over by the same girl with the cart.
Grabbing Honedge, I raced back to the battlegrounds. The little people already broke through the window and was preparing to charge. Their leader stepped into our building and looked at me. He (?) had a mask on and was waering a dark green and blood red uniform. He had red stripes on the outer edges of the uniform and the striped crossed to form an X on his chest. I hissed at him. He hissed back.
Then I heard a whistle blow and my teammates gathered in a huddle to make a plan. This seemed to be a truce period but I didn't trust the other team to uphold that truce. I kept an eye on their leader.

Unfortunately, I can't tell you how this battle ends because I woke up right after that.


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