Thursday, November 6, 2014

Memory Problems

Clover was reading my latest dreamlog (Rose Starts an Insurance Company) and she was going to tell me something when...
and then...
So yeah lol XD


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Rose Starts an Insurance Company

This dream was really interesting! It actually started at my house, and I ended up going to that same library in The Kangaroo in the Amusement Park. Pretty cool, eh?

Anyway, like I just said, I was in my house. Clover was there, too. We were kinda just hanging out and derping around when suddenly...
There was a time distortion!
Apparently the Doctor and Rose were with us, but they were separated because of the distortion (yes, again). I realized that a Reaper was trying to get in (no, not like the grim reaper, this kind of reaper:
My house is pretty old, so it stood for a while, but I knew it won't hold for long, so I grabbed Clover and my iPhone and called the Doctor. For some reason, the reaper wasn't there when I opened the door, but there was a navy blue bus that looked like a giant stick of butter parked in my driveway. Mr. Harrington, my Social Studies teacher, walked over from the garage and asked what was going on, Clover explained while I contacted Rose.
She picked up the phone (thankfully) but it turned out that she already aged 50 years and is running some sort of insurance company (well actually, I'm not exactly sure what kind of company it was, but it was big). She asked if I had an appointment. I said yes. Getting into the stick-of-butter-bus, I asked for directions to her company's main building. Somehow, we got there without crashing into anything (Clover was driving, and she was in cat form).
We decided to split up and look around (in case this was a trap, even though this is the worst thing to do if you suspect a trap). I walked into a flower shop, nothing seemed to be out of place, except for the fact that it had a back door that led to the middle of a highway. I was about to ask about this when Clover called me to say that she had found the company building and was waiting for me. I teleported over.
When we walked in to the building, we saw a lobby with a few people sitting around. The person at the front desk asked if I had an appointment, I told her that Rose invited us over (even though we technically invited ourselves). We were given a tag and ushered into an elevator. Or what I thought was an elevator. It turns out it was a TransMat, and it led right into Rose's office.
Her office was huge! It probably took up a whole floor! It didn't exactly look like an office, though. More like a school cafeteria with those weird indoor picnic tables and random arts-and-crafts stuff laying around. Rose was sitting at one of the tables, in all of her 85-year-old glory, coloring.
Yes, I know, weird.
Anyway, Clover approached the table and greeted her. Rose looked up and asked if we had an appointment. By now, I've gotten really annoyed at all this appointment derpiness, but Clover took out a notepad and started doodling. I have no idea why.
I looked at the pad, Clover was finishing up a rainbow-colored heart with a derping cat inside it (I have such a random imagination XD). Rose seemed to be convinced and about to hand something over, then she realized that she doesn't even know us and called security.
I was about to facepalm so hard when the Doctor showed up and saved the day (like he always does). Rose remembered the Doctor and cancelled the security call. I don't know what happened next, since we left after the Doctor showed up. They probably lived happily ever after or something.
Lol jk XD you know a good author never lets that happen!
But I'll leave that up to your imagination~
Okay, back to us.
After we left, we went to our secret hideout somewhere in the universe (not gonna say where, or else it's not secret anymore). We took a weird tubey elevator thing and got to that library from my other dream. Apparently there was an attachment that allowed us to stand outside (like a balcony) while the elevator moved. There was only one problem.
The elevator goes sideways.
It was fine at the beginning, but once we neared the first turn, I immediately regretted my choice. I should've rode inside with Clover. I thought.
Unfortunately, the door doesn't open while the elevator is in motion, so I was stuck there for the rest of the ride. I clung on and hoped we weren't going to the 600th floor.
As you all know already, we didn't go to Mt. Olympus (comment if you get the reference!), we went to the library. We were supposed to meet up with someone there, so we walked to the exact center of the library and waited. A few moments later, a boy wearing a black leather jacket and a girl wearing a lavender dress walked over. Clover and I hugged them, for reasons still unknown to me, and started chatting.
They were having a problem with the library computers, Clover helped them fix it while I browsed the shelves for pop-up books (I don't even know).
I found one that was interesting. I took it off the shelf and started reading.
The story was about a huge yellow yo-yo and a mom with fairy wings.
Once upon a time a family was taking a road trip through a valley. They were stopping for a snack break when the mother found a strange glowing object in the grass, she flew over to investigate.
This is where I tried to eat the wings. And no, I don't know why.
Anyway, mom picks up yo-yo, finds out it has some magical powers, saves the world, blah blah blah.
I must've been bored to death because I woke up before I finished the story X3

There you have it, another random dream about nothing in particular, though the most important part here would be our secret hideout, I've never been there before in my dreams (or irl).


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sherlock Meets the Doctor

Apparently, the Doctor visited Hogwarts and somehow become the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher (bad choice Doctor, really bad choice). I was present at a staff meeting of some sort and Dumbledore was explaining the scientists he had hired to investigate the Vashta Nerada. While he was talking, Sherlock sent the whole school a text saying "wrong!" (even though muggle technology didn't work in Hogwarts, and even if it did, WHERE THE DERP DID THESE TEACHERS GET THEIR PAWS ON ONE?!
Anyway, after that incident, I went to a really weird attachment to Hogwarts castle that was super high-tech (in muggle terms) n stuff. Somehow, Ellie (see The Kangaroo in the Amusement Park) and my other whovian friend, Ryan, where there too. We were on a field trip to who-knows-where and we're just stopping for the night.
I grabbed my iPhone and laptop (even though I don't have a laptop) and somehow walked outside and was going to sleep in our van. It was a medium-sized grayish-silver van with five seats in the front, a big space in the middle, and one couch in the back. Don't ask me how it fits, it's probably bigger on the inside. Sadly, there wasn't enough room (again, I don't know how) so I had to sleep in the building. Suddenly, it transformed into a cabin somewhere in the woods and Sherlock appeared (along with two other people). there were two bunk beds. Sherlock was getting ready to sleep on the bottom of the one on the right, there was a green-haired person who was on the one on top of Sherlock's. A kinda chubby red-haired guy was going to sleep on the bottom of the left one, and the only space left was the one on top of the left one.
Maybe I fell asleep in my dream, or I used my powers of time to skip nighttime. Either way, day was here in a flash. I walked out of the cabin and headed right, then I somehow switched to Sherlock's point of view.
Sherlock grabbed a bag and started walking outside. The green-haired person followed, talking excitedly. Then he said, "Jay must be missing his computer by now," and then I was suddenly running up to them with a crumpled paper ball in my hand.
I threw it at Sherlock and demanded to get my computer back. Without missing a beat, Sherlock took my computer and phone out of his bag and handed it to me. I teleported away.
I was still following Sherlock, even though my body was off doing it's own stuff. We reached a building that looked strikingly similar to my town's local university, Cornell. I entered and I saw a blue smudge in front of us (by now I've realized I became the green-haired person), and I could see several different regenerations of the Doctor. I quickly realized this was the TARDIS trapped in an alternate reality, and we needed to get her out.
Sherlock refused to believe this, because bigger-on-the-inside and travel-through-time-and-space just didn't go with his logic. I tried to convince him that this was real so I used my magic to reveal a clearer image of the Doctor. I then set up communications with him so that the Doctor and Sherlock could talk it out.
Then I woke up.

Yeah, that was a rather abrupt ending, but don't blame me, it's my alarm clock! Almost all of my dreams that ended in an awkward place was because of my alarm clock. So yeah, just saying X3


Monday, October 20, 2014


Woohoo! Thanks everykitteh! To commemorate this occasion I will ask Clover to post moar stuff XD
Also, don't forget
to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow our Google+ account!

The Quest for a Bathroom

I'll just get right started.

I was checking out of a hotel with my family. We were just getting into the car when I realized I needed to go to the bathroom. Being in a different city, we had no idea where anything was, so we split up to look for a bathroom. I followed Bob (my extremely annoying stepdad) into another building which had a weird Asian restaurant on the top floor. There was a lady at the reception desk who looked like she could be a ninja. Bob asked if there was a bathroom here. The ninja lady told him to go away. As Bob left, I gave her a thumbs up and a wink.
When I came downstairs, Bob was talking to a group of African American tweens about politics (or something) and I got really mad at him and yelled, "I'M OVER HERE TRYING TO FIND A FRICKING BATHROOM AND YOU'RE TALKING POLITICS! STFU (Stop Tickling Furry Unicorns) AND FIND ME A BATHROOM!" Then I walked away and accidentally went through a portal that brought me back in time.
It was nighttime (for the very first time in my dream, it's always daytime in my dreams, I don't know why exactly) and I was in a huge city. There was a restaurant (the same on I saw on the building) with red lights and steam coming out from the kitchen. I went in and asked if I could go to the bathroom, they said there was one right in front of the kitchen entrance. The bathroom turned out to be some sort of weird birdhouse that was being tediously held up by four long bamboo posts. There was a ladder leading up to the tiny entrance. I climbed up the ladder and sat down (you can tell I really wanted to go XD) but before I could do anything these little people started shaking the birdhouse bathroom and yelled at me to get out. I jumped off, not wanting to make too much trouble, and ran to an intersection where I was teleported back to the present.
I was sitting in a pavilion with the same group of kids that Bob was talking politics to. There was one girl, who I immediately befriended, and my mom was there, too. They were apparently having a really deep discussion about who they wanted to spend their life with, but it appears that the little people followed me through the portal, and they've multiplied! I took the lead and ran over to a building with huge windows.

~cut as I wake up and go to the bathroom~

After falling asleep. I was back in the same building, having a battle with the little people (who didn't seem so little anymore). We started out by staring at each other, making threats with our eyes and faces. I was the first in command. I wore a vest with streaks of silver and yellow. The less yellow on your uniform, the higher your rank. Everyone on the yellow team had a band of yellow on the bottom of their uniforms. I had two bands of silver going down the front and back of my uniform, another streak on my sides, and one more near the bottom, just above the yellow band, going around my waist.
It was only after the little people attacked that I realized I didn't have any weapons, and neither did anyone on my team. I quickly picked up a pencil that just happened to be lying on the ground (because, you know, logic XD) and stabbed the black bulls they sent at us. Then I handed my pencil to the girl (who was second in command) and went to find Honedge.
As I walked into my room, a girl wearing a blue-and-white uniform almost ran me over with her cart.
Looking around, I suddenly remembered that I had put Honedge in my art studio to dry (because I made a cardboard Honedge and I was painting it yesterday). I ran out of my room and almost got run over by the same girl with the cart.
Grabbing Honedge, I raced back to the battlegrounds. The little people already broke through the window and was preparing to charge. Their leader stepped into our building and looked at me. He (?) had a mask on and was waering a dark green and blood red uniform. He had red stripes on the outer edges of the uniform and the striped crossed to form an X on his chest. I hissed at him. He hissed back.
Then I heard a whistle blow and my teammates gathered in a huddle to make a plan. This seemed to be a truce period but I didn't trust the other team to uphold that truce. I kept an eye on their leader.

Unfortunately, I can't tell you how this battle ends because I woke up right after that.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Kangaroo in the Amusement Park

First Dreamlog! Woohoo XD
Anyway, last night, I had a really random dream but I thought I'd write it down since I actually remembered it.

I was in this weird research center/lab thing where a few "volunteers" were being tested for a disease. the symptoms are giant black dots all over your body. I was in the testing area along with four other people.We were being tested in an old-fashioned elevator, the kind with the metal bars where you can look out onto the walls. After doing a few checks, the scientist person pulled out what looked like a seed packet and ripped it open. I could see black spores drifting around the room. At that moment, I decided I didn't want to take the risk and ran out of the metal elevator.
I went into an oversized bathroom (no, really, everything was big, the sink was at least the size of a bathtub). There was a girl at the door who told me I could wash off the bacteria by scrubbing shampoo on the dots. I thanked her and immediately filled the sink with water (which, surprisingly, didn't take that long). after washing off the dots on my arm, Sherlock and John (the ones from the BBC) just cannonballed into the sink. Don't ask me why, my mind is so weird.
Anyway, after that, I walked outside with them while holding Honedge. Suddenly, a car crashed into the sidewalk in front of us and I saw my friend Sherrie in the back seat. I waved at her and she got out of the car. Sherlock and John turned into my other friends, Laura and Ellie. We walked into a mall.
It turned out to be a Doctor Who museum!
Apparently, no one could bring stuff in or out (except for clothes and stuff, my mind's not that weird). So I had to empty my pockets (which contained nothing anyway) and magically make Honedge disappear. As I walked through the museum, I found out it had nothing to do with Doctor Who at all, but was instead, a library. My local library, actually. We had to find clues proving that the library was doing something. What they were doing? I didn't know, but it must've been bad.
Sherrie found a calculator as we were exiting the museum that seemed suspicious. She managed to sneak it past the front desk but security caught her and asked her to hand it over. She did, but I used my epic powers of magic-ness to take it back but made the guards think they still had it. After exiting the museum/library, I broke the calculator into three pieces and handed one to Ellie and one to Sherrie. I kept the third piece.
As I entered the shopping mall (remember, this was supposed to be a mall in the first place), I saw a kangaroo person sitting at a dining table looking at some paint. Then the whole thing exploded and there was paint everywhere. Suddenly, I was the kangaroo and I frantically hopped away from the scene.
When I exited, the whole world turned medieval. There were little robot things with lasers trying to shoot me. I hid behind a line of people and managed to get away. I ran into a cave where there was a white stone shaped like a dragon's head. It kinda looked like Kyurem.
Apparently, that was a portal to the real world and I was transported back. I was still running and realized I was about to miss the bus. Drawing on my magic, I somehow stopped and reversed time so that I could get on the bus.

I don't remember much more than that, but I actually voluntarily used magic in my dream. It took some effort but it worked. I think this may be a sign, but I'll have to think about it a bit more.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Apparently Blogger doesn't let us post stuff to pages we created, so I'm gonna tell Clover to tag every dream log with "dreamlog" and every sign with "itsasign".
So yeah.
I guess that clears it up.
I think I might also copy and paste the dreams in the dream log, or maybe I'll include links to the posts.
Yeah, that's a good idea X3
Okayz I'm done here, bye!


Sunday, January 12, 2014


Juss sayin, if you pipz get annoyed by any ads on the ClovJay Blog, you should get AdBlock. Here’s the link:

It really works :D


Saturday, January 11, 2014

ClovJay Sleepover comes to an end

Jay: Hey look, u got sleepover right :D
Clovz: Shush O^O
Both: Welpz, were gonna go to sleep, we r tired as a dog.

   Night hidden-31everyone!

300+ views Special!

Hey cool cats! As promised, here’s the “300+ View Special”! We recently started recording some random videos of us doing let’s plays, so here’s a sneak preview (That doesn’t show much) of our “ClovJay Let’s Play”!

200+ Viewz!!!!

Tanx evereh kitteh!! U guyz r the bests!! It’s so awesome to have such cool cats as our followers~! :)  if we can reach 300 views than we’ll do a special post~!

Tired and Bored

I just feel like saying derp, we’ve stayed up since 6am in the morning (7:30 for Jay) yesterday to now, 3:33. I have to admit, so far we’re only half evil XP

Just to let you know, If I continue to post stuff, it will be very random~!
♣goodbye(*ФωФ* )

Just wanted to say thanks!


Clovz: Hey guyz! How’ve yah been? Welp, just wanted to say thanks for being here for us and lookin at stuffz *Flips table out of happyness*        (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Jay iz right next to meh lookin over da postz n’ stuff, and I want u guyz to say HALLOOOOOOO cause Jay iz da one who made diz blog sho ya :3



        goodbye ಠ_ಠ

ClovJay: True story bro

Clovz: Once apon a january, there lived a happy kitteh…..And….Um…
Jay: u got nothin, doncha? (≧∇≦)/
Clovz: SHUSH (^v^)
Jay: (v‘- ‘)
Clovz: °o°
Jay: ….. (v‘- ‘)
Clovz: °O°
Jay: (v‘- ‘)
Clovz: °O°
Jay: I don’t get u.(v‘- ‘)
Clovz: Well, except when you do. °O°


~ClovJay Sleep over~

Jay: Clovz, sleepover is one word =w=
Clovz: …Shut up ಠ_ಠ
Jay: *Randomly starts playing Solitaire on another computer*
Clovz: …It’s 2:28… ಠ_ಠ
Jay: OH LOOK, IT FINALLY LOADED *Skype loads and starts putting Clovz info in*
Clovz: ………. ಠ_ಠ
Jay: *Mumbling to self as continues to type in info*
Clovz: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ彡( ゚ Д゚)
Jay: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Clovz: ಠ_ಠ
Jay: Don’t look at meh like dat (-"-)
Clovz: ಠ_ಠ
Jay: *Sneezes*
Clovz: That was loud ಠ_ಠ
Jay: …Seriously?
Clovz: typing-trollface-smiley-emoticon


Friday, January 10, 2014

The Connection Between Us ಠ_ಠ


Years ago when I met Jay and Akii I had no idea that we secretly were connected two years before!  °O°(\ ゚ Д゚)/  It turns out that when I met a new friend at a field trip she knew Jay, who knew her, who knew another friend, who knew Akii *:・゚✧ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Two years later I met Akii, and near the end of the year I met Jay. A year after that me and Jay discovered our… Time Lordiness ◕ ¸ ◕ And now, as we sit side by side, we discover the truth of our long ago connection ㅇㅅㅇ

