Sunday, February 26, 2017

I Accidentally Kill a Bunch of Snake Babies

I was sitting at some sort of bar in ancient China. Don't ask why, dreams are weird. There was apparently some sort of monster/demon thing that was attacking the town and everyone had to stay indoors because it was a hurricane monster/demon. So we just kinda chilled in that bar while the creature was destroying buildings right outside. There was a sword casually lying on the table. After a few moments I decided that enough was enough and I was going to confront the creature. I grabbed the sword (which was actually pretty rusty) and signaled for my partner to join me. However, he didn't want to do shit, so I was like "Motherfucker, I don't give a shit what you want to do we are going to fight this thing whether you like it or not." and I literally dragged him from his chair and out of the bar.
When we went outside there was a large pine tree standing right in front of us. The ground was littered with pine needles and bits of pinecones. I was barefoot for some reason, so I was like "fuck that" and I levitated. Suddenly there was a strong breeze and I had to hold onto a branch for support. I looked to my right, where the breeze was coming from, and I noticed a white van sending mini tornadoes in my direction. There was also a bus parked between me and the van, which was lifted by the tornado and came crashing towards us. I grabbed my partner and we got out of the way. The bus hit a car right behind us. I flew up higher to get a better look at what was attacking us, but I couldn't see anything inside the van. Another tornado came and hit me directly, but it seemed to be weaker this time because I didn't shift from my spot at all. I started using my magic to send the tornadoes back.
"I don't think this is affecting them at all!" Someone, probably my partner, said. "It's like they're psiioniic!"
Now I don't know what that Homestuck reference meant, but I did know that the tornadoes weren't hitting the van when I sent them back, they just kind of got out of the way. I got fed up with trying to send the tornadoes back after a couple of attempts so I just went "fuck this shit" and levitated the van and crashed it into the pine tree.
When we landed to inspect the damage, I saw that the van was not the cause of the tornadoes. Inside the van were a nest of giant California kingsnake eggs. Some of them were already hatched, but others were cracked from the impact. Well fuck. I thought, as others came to investigate the noise.
"They're eggs." Someone said unhelpfully.
"Yeah you could've warned me about that." I replied. This was apparently one of my students, because I teach biology now.
"You said to 'never share observations or inferences if others are using their own qualitative data'." The student quoted.
"This isn't a fucking science experiment, E—!"
I used my magic to repair the broken eggs before the parents found out, then I turned to my left in time to see another one of my students (or was that my partner?) get bitten by the mother. I quickly put the snake to sleep and told E— to prevent the poison from spreading while I do... something else. However, before I could do that, I woke up.

So this was pretty random XD but at least I remembered it so it's worth writing down.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Mini Dreamlog

This dream was rather incomplete. I don't remember the exact sequence of events and there were several large gaps in my memory. This may have been caused by my lack of sleep due to homework this week.

[EDIT] We just found this draft and we don't know who originally wrote this so we're just going to publish this with no context.



Clover and I are hanging out randomly because cats XD
